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Work pressure, threat of salary deduction: Bajaj Finance staff dies by suicide

A 42-year-old man, employed as an area manager at Bajaj Finance, has died by suicide in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. In a suicide note, Tarun Saxena stated that his seniors at work have been putting pressure on him to meet his targets for the last two months and threatening him with salary deductions.
Tarun was found hanging this morning when the housekeeper came to their house. He had locked his wife and two children in another room.
Upon discovering Tarun’s body, the housekeeper informed Tarun’s brother, who lives nearby. He rushed over, unlocked the door, and took Tarun’s wife and children out.
After receiving the information, the police took custody of the body and sent it for a post-mortem examination. They stated that further action would follow upon the filing of a formal complaint.
He is survived by a father, who is a retired clerk, his wife, and two children.
The family members have alleged that the company officials had been continuously pressuring Tarun to achieve targets.
“Tarun Saxena was my elder cousin. He worked as an area manager at Bajaj Finance. The company had been pressuring him to bring in more collections from the market. When he failed to meet the targets, his salary was deducted. As we learnt earlier this morning around 6:00 am, Vaibhav Saxena and Prabhakar Mishra, who are based in Bhopal, held a conference with him and instigated him, following which he died by suicide” cousin Gaurav Saxena told India Today.

However, Bajaj Finance is yet to react to the allegations.
Meanwhile, Jhansi’s Superintendent of Police, Gyanendra Kumar, stated that Tarun committed suicide by hanging himself with a scarf.
“A suicide note was found, in which the dead accused his superiors of harassment, pressuring him to meet high recovery targets. If a complaint is lodged by the family, further investigation will be initiated,” he told India Today.
